“Poor water availability in the southeast following below-average Oct-Dec rains.”
“To date, the performance of hageya/deyr rains has been below average as predicted. This has resulted in shortages of pasture and water in the southeastern pastoral and agropastoral parts of the country.”
MAI is aware of the need for water and the importance of water projects to sustain the farm and dairy activities. In addition, MAI has done much to help people in areas around our projects.
At the Kokosa Dairy Farm, water is needed for the cattle and dairy operations. MAI paid to refresh one well and dig a second well. These wells also are available for emergency water needs and to be a support for the local pastorals.
At the Beltu Farm, and in the surrounding area, water is at a premium. MAI drilled two wells and has made water available to several of the villages when they were in need. The MAI water truck is a regular sight in many of the villages for funerals and marriages. When there are large gatherings, water is a necessity. Down from the town of Beltu, MAI has put a cover over a spring and a small dam in place to allow human access to water without having animals contaminate it.
MAI has a strong committed staff and they do all possible to support the needs of their neighbors and the need for water.