In the last week of July, the rains in the area ceased and MAI staff on the farm used the dry time to work harvesting potatoes, onions, and haricot beans. Their work resulted in the harvest of 22qt of onions, 74qt of potatoes, and 60qt of haricot beans. Harvesting will continue, as this week was not enough to finish the season’s work.
The harvesting of the haricot beans has presented a challenge. As they dry, the beans easily shatter. To solve this problem, staff on the MAI farm coordinate with the Foresight Fathers. The FF helps by collecting and trashing on the farm; they can trash 12qt in one day.
During the first week of August, wheat was sown on the Jena farm, in the amount of 1.25 hectares.
The school farm was also sown with 3.75 hectares of wheat. It had previously been planted with haricot beans, and the bean is now being reshuffled by the wheat planting. 0.5 hectares of haricot beans and 0.5 hectares of potatoes were sown on what was previously a wheat field. 2 hectares of barely were sown on what was a potato and onion field. A total of 8 hectares of field were sown.