Evan L. Maxfield, Agronomist

Mr. Maxfield has been working as an Agronomist with Morrell Agro Industries since March 2008. He is currently a part-time Consultant for MAI. He served for 10 years as an Assistant Plant Operations manager, Crop Advisor, and Alfalfa Sales Manager for Wheatland Seed, Inc. in Collinston, Utah. Before Wheatland, he was Plant Manager and Crop Advisor for Oasis Seed Cooperative in Delta, Utah for 17 years, working with agricultural chemicals, seeds, and farm supplies. Mr. Maxfield served four years as a member of the Board of Directors for the Box Elder Federal Credit Union and three years as Chamber of Commerce President in Delta, Utah. Evan has a Bachelors Degree from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. His studies were in Chinese, Chinese Agriculture, and Music Education.

Mr. Maxfield is an expert on soil management and the production of field crops. His experience ranges from farming in the western United States to growing crops in the wet summer climate of China. However vast his experience, Ethiopia is considered semi-tropical and was not in his area of expertise, at the time of his employment with MAI. He considers the company’s projects and efforts there to have “all come from pure inspiration.”

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